hello alcohollywood!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

earlier on @ my sis's place...
*background, different r&b songs from the tele.

tash: "DADDDDYYYYYYY, can you buy us this cd??"
i turned around. it was the ad for the ULTIMATE R&B cd.... and my almost7yearold niece is asking for it................. wrong lah girl....

anyway was talking to my broinlaw & sis... suddenly he commented time really flies... the last time i checked, i was carrying tash in my arms... now i cannot even carry her!!! and everyone else in the extended family like my cousin's kids are so big now, i wont be surprised to see them in clubs in the next few years... gosh!!

plus, the last time i checked... i was this skinny girl who likes the spice girls. now as i am sitting here typing this, i still like the spice girls... but ive become this fat girl. :( time sure flies.......

i read out an entire newspaper article on the CRIKEY!! CROC HUNTER guy who died..... took me damn long to explain to the girls... but they got it in the end. i think they were more interested in the animals on the paper than the story! but owell i tried!

ive got a butterfly tattoo on my right arm now...... tash has a star... kai as a flower.. and yes, all on our right arm.... and before i left, tash tapped my tattoo and said 'BYEE LADYY' and im like.. ?????!!!!!! hahahha. and its damn hard to remove it!!! i just spent the last half an hour trying to get rid of it... but its stuck. agh, wonderink!


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